I realize my posts have been sporadic of late but I swear it's not my fault. At least not directly. A gremlin (I suspect the same one that William Shatner kept seeing outside his airplane window) has climbed inside my hard drive and caused all sorts of evil things to happen.
I was planning on buying a Mac with my tax refund, but I don't know that I can survive with just my iPad for two whole months. We will see. Forgive what may seem like slacker behavior on my part during that time and know that I will continue to visit your wonderful blogs when I can.
On a more pleasant note, I just finished Stephanie Perkins' second novel, Lola And The Boy Next Door, which made me feel all melty inside (review to follow soon). Damn that woman can write! So I wondered if any of you have read anything lately that caused a strong reaction, good or bad. Please share.
I'm Still Here For You!
3 days ago